Examine Archive Plain

In what is probably the biggest news in music this side of the 2025 line, German label and mix series Examine Archive have released a huge archive. It consists of their series called ‘plain’, which has essentially been digital singles, premieres, reuploads, live recordings etc. So far this music has only been available on soundcloud, so this is the first time it’s up for purchase. Called EXAMINE-PLAIN(LEAK), it includes 156 tracks that you can either get individually for 1€ or as a bundle.

Among the real gems, you will find music by Reinhaudt, World Experience Center, Huffy Fibryyx, So_N, Fok, Erin Hopes, Matryoshka, Speare, Karmasmatik and so much more. Literally a musical history of 2021-2025. (If anyone ever asks for it.)

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