I don’t think anyone could have overlooked Canadian artist Cindy Lee’s last album that came out in 2020. The claustrophobic sound of ”I Want You to Suffer” kind of summed up the lockdowns for me. Now it’s 2024 and together with Patrick Flegel we are facing new worldwide crises. In October his new massive double album Diamond Jubilee came out on W.25th and it’s already on several end-of-year lists. But this isn’t a bleak collection of doomsday songs. Instead, the 32 tracks play out across two hours of nostalgic longing for the ”24/7 Heaven of the 60s. A diamond jubilee means 60 years and if we go back that many years we land in 1964 – just before the US entered the war in Vietnam. It was also the year Lou Reed and John Cale met.