Synthetic Pleasures III

The Rhode Island label Synthetic Pleasures has gained a reputation in the underground community of electronic music, largely thanks to their expertly curated compilations. Synthetic Pleasures III just dropped a couple of days ago and it’s one you’ll feed the need to own instantly. 4 cds left, so act fast if you want to get these tracks from Isabella Koen, Nebuchadnezzar, VCRHeadcleaner, Shugo Noss, Trinity Megas, Nick Jersey, DJ Warzone, DJ Spytt, Egregore, Oton and others.

16 tracks all in all, and personally I’m in love with Emma Rak’s track ”Tattoo Worship” (debut track from ex Final Object). ”You Are a Brat” from Isabella couldn’t be more timely either. Naturally, you’re also get a great from label boss Midnight Climax.

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