Letters to a Future Palestine

Letters to a Future Palestine is the title of a new compilation put together by Nene H for her Umay label. It’s a new benefit release with all funds going to Gaza community kitchens. The 19-track digital release came out yesterday, along with a statement from Palestinian artists that begins:

We, Palestinian artists, find it crucial in these times of despair, when our people in Gaza are facing the greatest tragedy, to keep voicing the uncompromising vision of freedom through the medium of music.

This project serves as a postcard from a future Palestine we aspire to. Our vision doesn’t arise from nowhere; it aims to reconnect with the cultural renaissance Palestine was developing before its course was disrupted.

Among the contributors are Oldyungmayn, Estoc, Nene H, Kettalynne (pictured), Yazzus and Alinka.

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