Cuerina Raw Dry from Uruguay has released two brilliant records this year. Back in February, the Luz Mala tape with four songs came out on Brazilian label Buraco. As they explain, the title refers to “a legend that comes from gauchos (cattle owners), that a light appeared in the middle of the country and it meant: death”. The release is a collaboration with vocalist Chuminga, who also appears on their full-length album Primitiva. This cd-only release came out on Barcelona label Diffuse Reality last month, and is just one of many great releases on the label this spring. The 8 tracks on the album (plus remixes from Bad Faith Actor and Baroque) are among my favourites of this year. The anarchist electro of Baile Irracional” is more irresistible than irrational.

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Add Yours[…] I made: the Barbárie compilation on new São Paulo label Buraco. Buraco put out the great Cuerina Raw Dry & Chuminga EP earlier this year, but this digital-only comp predates that. The 10 tracks mix Brazilian […]