The masters of rock have returned, but this time it’s not just Research Reactor Corp and Gee Tee hiding behind the GTRRC moniker. On G.T.R.R.C. II you’ll find contributions from US groups like Sick Thoughts, Erik Neovous and Belly Jelly as well. Ok, six of these classic rock and punk covers are credited to either GTRRC or their separate parts Gee Tee and RRC (plus related outfit Satanic Togas). But you’ll also find great Aussie punks like R.M.F.C. (doing a nasty take on Girls At Our Best!) and Adam from Smooch. Mixed in with unknowns like Dingo Doyle and Camshaft & Tee Vee Repairman. What a great collection – grab it for free through bandcamp or wait for the LP on Legless Records.