So are Vivian Girls more than a memory? Memory is actually the title their new album out on Polyvinyl next month. Once my favourite band, around the time the demo that became their debut album was circulating. I lost touch with them after their second album, by which time there were suddenly a hundred bands who were into lofi garage rock again. Without them, there would probably never have been any Wavves, Crystal Stilts and The Woodsist/Captured Tracks NYC scene might not have happened. I went to London to see Vivian Girls twice in one day. And in 2011 Vivian Girls played Malmö, with me behind the turntables at the venue. I’ll never forget that evening, or all the times I’ve seen Katy’s band La Sera since then. But truth be told the two new VG tracks “Sick” and “Something to Do” actually sound better than anticipated, unsurprisingly showing off a slightly more post-punk sound.