Zak from Hierophants also seems to be in most of the best bands in Australia right now, including ORB and Traffik Island. And now, here’s the second Hierophants LP, which is a difficult one to describe. They’ve come a long way from their crude but seminal first EP Bow Down to the Hierophants. The new record Spitting Out Moonlight builds on the qualities of their first album Parallax Error, which felt like a halfway release to me. It hasn’t really been until now that they seem to have figured out their musical identity. And they’ve done that with an exceptional album that is unique in every way – melding Devo, Desperate Bicycles, Raspberries and… Grace Jones? Sometimes it sounds like Ladytron’s first album even. Perhaps the best description is the one their label Anti Fade’s site: “They are here to put lamps in your lobes where no other light goes.” Contender for track of the year in “Autofocus” and amazing art by the unparalleled Paris Rebel Richens. Oh and I love “Positive Outcomes” and “Pang” equally.