Breaking news! The new Altin Gün LP will be out soon and they have just shared the first single “Süpürgesi Yoncadan”. It’s a bit of a departure soundwise for the group, who made a name for themselves playing Anatolian rock from their Amsterdam home base. The new single and its b-side “Vay Vay” (meaning “wow wow”) take on influences from Turkish 80s disco and new wave, with synthesiser-based melodies. Actually, the sound isn’t too far away from what Gaye su Akyol created on her latest album. To spice things up, the b-side put things into a lilting backbeat complete with some classic Simmons-sounding snare and tom fills. Can you dance to it? Why of course.

The new album Gece, will be out on Glitterbeat in a few month, and I for one can’t wait. The band will also be visiting Copenhagen for a gig at Vega on May 25th.