Two great bands (at least) came out the sadly now defunct Messenger. Vnlvx, who released the brilliant record Is Unlux earlier this year. The other is Sweet Reaper, who have seemingly released two albums this year. On closer inspection, Street Sweeper came out digitally last year, but it wasn’t until January 2018 that Burger gave it a home on cassette. The follow-up, called Sidekick is out now on cassette – and this time they’ve made them themselves. Act fast, because at the moment there is only one (1!) copy remaining on bandcamp. The album is four songs shorter than the debut and perhaps a bit too short on energy as well. But it’s an unfair comparison, since the first record was like Massenger on speed. Fave track so far is “Spaceship”, which also happens to be the longest track on the record – clocking in at almost four minutes.