Rethink’s newest client and the one I have been working most for is KMD (previously Kommunedata) who provide IT solutions for public sector companies in Denmark. They are undertaking a major campaign during 2013, under the header ‘Nowsourcing’. Funnily, I came in towards the end of the process but got to design the logo for the whole campaign (which contains many sub-campaigns in different media like film, direct mail, IT-fairs etc.). I have also designed the website, which goes public at the new url in a few days. This was a very smooth process, with me putting the design together in 2 days, and then implemented by Organicweb in less than one working week. It’s a very simple design that ties in with both KMD’s own brand and the work Rethink have already done for the campaign. The site is set in Futura from Typekit, and uses Organicweb’s own responsive grid.