By coincidence, Paul Messis has also made a list of his favourite moody 60s garage, so I don’t even need to ask him for a list. It will be published in Happening! (the online digest of Shindig!) with his commentary. There are lots of great songs on his list and the track by The Intruders will also turn up on Bitter Bells in the future, as well as another number by the mighty Dovers. Messis has covered “What Am I Going to Do” for his debut album, and there’s a Youtube video of him doing an acoustic version of The Rogues’ “Next Guy”. We also have “I’ve Seen Darker Nights” that you might have heard in The Thanes’ version. Other than that, several of the tracks were new to me and probably will be to you too, so I made a Soundcloud set of it. Hopefully Paul wants to put it on his blog It’s Mashed Potato Time! that he writes with Samira Larouci. Surprisingly perhaps, he there confesses his love for Sarah Records and posts some of his favorite singles released by the Bristol label. Or perhaps not so surprising, since indiepop was my first passion too, and many people who were into the garage revival scene in the 80s also liked some of the indie bands – resulting in crossover groups like Inspiral Carpets and 14 Iced Bears.